What makes our offer unique?
- supervision by one of the most experienced engineers in the field – Tomasz Bergier, PhD and Iwona Wagner, PhD – over all of the projects;
- individual approach to each project;
- inspiration drawn from international best practices, Sendzimir Foundation’s engagement in several international Horizon 2020 NBS projects (see: Clearing House; INTERLACE);
- technical expertise and attention to detail enriched by our own projects (see: ClimateNBS Poland);
- the opportunity to supplement the implementation with practical workshops on the topic of landscape retention for various groups of recipients (see: Practical workshops);
- original educational and instructional materials (see: brochures and films – in Polish only);
- the largest experience in the implementation of rain gardens in Poland (about 50 completed gardens).
Examples of our realizations:
Rainwater filtering roundabout that accepts rainwater from the surface of roads, sidewalks and bicycle path.
Rain gardens in the ground and in containers to prevent local flooding.
Retention basins