Iwona Wagner, PhD

Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Ecology at the University of Lodz and at the European Regional Center for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Science.

She works as a Senior Manager – Water Management and Climate Change in the consulting company FPP Enviro, which is part of the European group AMPHI and dealing with sustainable development. For many years she was the Scientific Secretary of the Ecohydrology Program of the UNESCO International Hydrological Program and liaison at the International Center for Environmental Technologies UNEP.

Currently, together with the FPP Enviro, she deals primarily with the ecohydrology of urban areas, blue-green infrastructure, rainwater management, and adaptation of cities to climate change. She participates in the implementation of projects LIFE14CCA / PL / 000101 LIFERADOMKLIMA-EN “Adaptation to climate change through sustainable management of water in the urban space of Radom” and “Let’s feel into the climate” (Development of adaptation plans to climate change in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants).