Piotr is a co-founder and managing director of the Centre for Systems Solutions (Poland). He also works as a research scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria), engaged in two research groups: Water Security Group (Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program) and Equity and Justice Group (Population and Just Societies Program). He is the author of many research and educational publications.
He works on the question of what makes things complex and how to understand and manage this complexity. He has been working for decades as a systems modeler, game designer, professional trainer, facilitator, and researcher to provide tools for people in all sectors to make better policies and decisions about society and the environment. He designed and applied many social simulations and role-playing games addressing the issues of resilience and sustainability such as climate change, energy transition, disaster risk management, migration, conflict resolution, and management of natural resources. These tools support the system-level understanding of complex problems and enable more effective collaboration for groups and organizations. Piotr has been working with diverse groups of scientists, businesses, NGOs, and international organizations around the world including OECD, GEF, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Commission, WWF, IUCN, and many river basin organizations around the world.