Architect with a building licence in the speciality of architecture, an educator, a trainer, propagates the design following the principles of sustainable construction. Expert in the Common Space project and Climate Mitigation in Heritage Buildings.
A graduate of the Academy of Social Innovators, the Challenges of Sustainable Development course (2002) and Climate Reality Training (2018); the winner of the 1st Prize for Young Architects M. Baczko and P. Zakrzewski (1999); the winner of the 1st Prize at Climathon Poland 2020. Consultant of the Murator magazine in the field of sustainable construction. Author and coordinator of many projects for adults, children and young people of local and international nature related to the subject of sustainable development, architecture and ecology, among others „This Park in mine…” A member of the Ecological and Cultural Association ZIARNO and the International Association of Architects PLAYCE. Licensed trainer of the VISIS method and the Planning for Real method. Member of the Sendzimir Foundation Council since 2010 till 2019.